Women's Month | Cardiovascular Health Workshop



Did you know that the main cause of death in women is cardiovascular disease? The first step to reverse this situation is to inform ourselves about the subject and learn what we can do to change this reality.


We invite you to a workshop where we will talk about healthy behaviors, where small changes will determine a high impact in reducing the risk of suffering from cardiovascular disease. At the end we will have a space for exchange ideas and to answer the doubts of the participants.


In charge of: Dr. Luciana De León – Dr. Sebastián Robaina


Date: Tuesday 12th of March

At: 6:30 p.m.

Duration: 60 minutes

Modality: Zoom


Inscriptions: 2487 1020, ext. 2740


At the moment of registration you will receive the access code.


For further information: 2487 1020, ext. 4345



Free activity for our hospital scheme members


We hope you can come!





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